Job vacancies at Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd - 08 May 2014

As the lead agency for the nation’s bio-based industry and main facilitator of the Bioeconomy Transformation Program, BiotechCorp continuously works towards strategic developments designed to maximize commercial opportunities in bio-based industries and transform Malaysia into a high-income, inclusive, and sustainable nation by 2020.

In delivering our commitment to build a Bioeconomy that will benefit the society and nation, we seek the right candidate to be a part of the BiotechCorp team.

Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd

Job vacanciest at Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd.

1. Executive, Secretarial
2. Manager, Organisational Development
3. Executive, Human Capital Management
4. Administrative Assistant, Human Capital Management
5. Manager, Revenue Planning

Closing date 04 May to 08 May 2014
Location : Kuala Lumpur
Sector : GLC

For more jobs detail and online application here
Jobs Reviewed: Job vacancies at Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd - 08 May 2014 Description: Rating: 4.5 Reviewed By: Unknown
